First ProNet Portal drafts, new Partners and Social Media

Hello Community!

We are super excited that VyOS finally gets the traction that it deserves and we have a few interesting updates to share with you!

VyOS 1.2.0-rc1

Will be released within two or three weeks.

Tons of new things, we are still building future release notes and you can always grab a rolling version from here. Of course you are invited to add to the release notes if you spot a resolved issue we forgot, or you want to expand the documentation of the new features.

More contributors!

New contributors are joining our effort and more communication happens about VyOS on different platforms. We would like to remind everybody that you are welcome to join and participate in our development collaboration platform.

Social Media & other communication channels

It's more important than ever to spread the word about VyOS.

This is the reason we’ve been adding profiles on just about every social network over time  and on behalf of the team I encourage you to follow/like/subscribe and participate!

Here is the list of social media accounts:

Twitter -

Facebook -

LinkedIn -

YouTube -

Instagram -

Reddit -

We also have a forum, a development portal and several chat platforms for real-time communication:

IRC - - many people here

Slack - - Newly launched!

Rocket.Chat - - few people

ProNet web

See the document below, it’s an initial draft rather than anything set in stone, but it’s probably pretty close to what we’ll eventually deploy in its fundamental concepts.

As always all feedback is welcome, email it to

New Partners

We’ve already received quite a few applications for participation in ProNet and continue to receive them.

They are all important for us and we are glad to see interest in VyOS among service providers.

I would like to specially mention two of newly arrived partners:

Packet - The Promise of the Cloud Delivered on Bare Metal. Great folks provide super interesting offering. Bare Metal instances with hourly billing and lot of interesting capabilities (Wide list of supported OSes, API, BGP peering and more). Currently you can boot 1.1.8 following this manual.

And we agreed to work together to get VyOS 1.2 as natively supported OS on Packet.

Protectli - First hardware vendor that showed interest to work with us!

Check out their appliances, those will be first hardware appliances officially supported by VyOS 1.2 so you may want order some. And they support OpnSense and other OSes, you can see full list here


As always, for those who read the article to the end get a 30% discount on merchandise via this link

Stay tuned!